Maximizing Quality of Life
Philwood Suites is one of the finest Alzheimer’s & Dementia care units in the US. Philwood Suites provides a safe, secure environment that promotes freedom of movement within its beautiful outdoor gardens. Philwood Suites’ residents benefit from a quiet nurturing environment which is color optimized, open, spacious, and filled with light. Philwood Suites has a 20-Bed care unit with private and semi-private rooms. State regulated Philwood Suites is one of only seven registered Alzheimer’s and Dementia care units in Mississippi.
Specially-Trained Compassionate Care Staff
Philwood Suites’ professional staff are chosen for caring and compassionate personalities and their natural ability to reach the person behind the disease.
Calming Interior Decor with Open Architecture
Alzheimer’s and Dementia care residents live in a tranquil, enriched atmosphere that is safe, secure, and active with emphasis on past interests and present capabilities.
Nurtured Secure Living with Freedom of Movement
Philwood Suites’ activities promote personal well being along with a renewed sense of community, accomplishment, and freedom of movement.
For more information about The Philwood Suites
Alzheimer's/Dementia Care Wing
and Campus Tours
Call Misty Holder at (662) 241-5518.